Book reviews

'High Five' by Ken Blanchard, the co-author of famous book 'The one minute manager' is an excellent book on team building. The author uses a delightful and charming story to deliver a powerful message on team building using ten simple words 'None of us is as smart as all of us'.

The story begins with the hero Alan losing his job, as he lacks team skills.Then it revolves around the grade-five boys hockey team at Riverbend Elementary school. The mantra 'Learn as you teach' works out well with Alan , as he takes the responsibility of teaching team work to the hockey team, thereby learning it.

Alan learns the below four steps of teamwork in his new role thru different interesting incidents

- Providing purpose and values
- Unleashing and Developing values
- Creating team power
- Keeping the accent on the positive thru rewards and recognitions

The story ends with Alan getting a consultant role in the same company that fired him.
'Team work wins' !!!!